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Turtle Rabbit physical_therapy_and_wellness INTEGRATIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS

A Daily Gratitude Practice can Improve Your Health

Gratitude generates happiness. We all have something to be grateful for, no matter where we are in life.
I have a daily practice of writing down 3 things I am grateful for, and I have to tell you, it is a great way to start the day. This holiday season, I encourage you to start your day with a gratitude practice. It will transform your life.
Here are a few ways to start:
1. Write 3 things everyday
2. Say 3 things out loud everyday
3. Make it your first post on facebook everyday ( there are about 15 of us that do this now!)

When you are constantly reminding yourself of what you have to be happy for, you will be happy. And when you’re happy, you can live a longer and healthier life. In fact, a study at the University College London revealed that elderly people who were happy with their lives lived up to 20-30 percent more than their not-so-happy counterparts. Now, that alone is something to be thankful for.

Harvard Health Publication shared research about a study in which after 10 weeks of writing for gratitude, people  were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. And the best part!!!…they  exercised more and had fewer visits to physicians than those who focused on sources of aggravation.

Live longer. Live healthier. All starting with a simple dose of gratitude.

3 tips to make it an awesome habit:
Be in a quite spot.
Do it first thing in the morning.
Write your grateful things from the heart.

Much Love!


p.s. This is one of my all time favorite pictures with a woman I ran into at the airport. I just walked up to her and said ” I love your shirt!”. It turned out that she owns a company that teaches leaders on gratitude in the corporate world. Wow!

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We Love You. Turtle Rabbit